However, Sabotage works specifically by overheating weapons, meaning it can be used on other targets too. Hitting containment cells or fuel tanks with Sabotage will cause them to explode, causing environmental damage and, in some areas, starting a massive chain reaction. On the downside, this means you need to be careful if you hit a nearby enemy with Sabotage while standing near anything explosive.
Also, Sabotage will not disable organic-based attacks such as those used by the Rachni or Thorian Creepers. Using Sabotage will also place a tech proximity mine.
Sign In Help Sign Out. Toggle navigation. Search Results. Lvl Effect Unlocks 1 Can use Decrytion skill on easy objects. So keep in mind that firstly you should add the abilities which are most useful ex.
Note: The Binary Helix Hotlabs value doesn't work. This tweak may be useful for those who want to use the mouse while having access to analog movement. Comes in useful for Steam controller users or gamepad users who want to bind gyro to a mouse. Beyond changes to the configuration files, it is recommended to set your graphics card driver and settings to enhance graphic quality and performance.
Below, are some recommendations for further readings:. Mass Effect Wiki Explore. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Original Trilogy. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? PC Tweaks. View source. History Talk Do you like this video? Play Sound. This article is about tweaks for the first Mass Effect game. A different approach is to toggle the HUD so it will stay on by pressing a key, and return to the game when the same button is pressed again.
It is recommended to use a key other than the 'Spacebar' to preserve the default method. The game has a lot of repetitive cutscenes, i. Those cutscenes can be skipped, and there is no need to alter the binding keys. The second line indicates the time that it takes from the button press to the actual skip.
Note: some locations have the cutscene for a reason Shepard walk or say something that triggers another event. Skipping that cutscene, therefore, may leave you stuck. Experiment at your own risk. There are eight lines for the ability keys, they are numbered from 0 to 7, and are easy to alter.
Setting the Shift option to True instead of False will activate that combination, and will make Shepard use the first ability instead of moving to the left. Sometimes you want to give commands to a certain party member to move forward, most of the times and not to both of them.
Either 1 first squad member or 2 second squad member. It is possible to add a quickload option to the game. The problem is that you have to manually set the save name in the configuration file. Otherwise the quickload bind won't do anything. This hotkey increases game speed tenfold while holding the key. It's helpful when traveling big distances, such as hub zones or planetary surface. It also works in Mako, and even in cutscenes, allowing you to fast-forward normally unskippable cutscenes.
Speed multiplier may be arbitrary. Using this on a keyboard key sometimes causes glitches e. Setting the maximum value too high can sometimes degrade quality, rather then enhance it. It is recommended to set those values to the system refresh rate for best performance. Setting it to false may increase performance, but at the same time can degrade the presentation of shadows.
Higher value will make the shadow softer, and lower value will make them sharper. Note: Patch 1. Setting this to 0. Higher minimum value will increase the richness of shadows. Lower maximum value will degrade the appearance of shadows. Note, that setting the minimum too high or maximum too low may result in glitches and loss of performance.
Higher value will cause shadows to be visible in the near vicinity, while lower value will cause shadows to be shown at greater distance, increasing quality and degrading performance.
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