Share on. Full list of part and tools. Author Hans Angermeier has produced over , videos showing drivers how to fix things on their cars.
Change a tail light. The burnt out tail light: classic reason for a cop to pull you over - change yours now. Change the parking light. Small bulbs that burn out regularly - did you know you can replace these with LED lights? Top up power steering fluid. This site is part of the GimmeManuals. These service manuals that you can find the PDFs for on this site are extremely useful for mechanics. You may also find these manuals useful if you DIY your car maintenance to avoid expensive repair costs.
Within the manuals, you typically find exploded diagrams of the parts in a car along with parts numbers. Many people look for the wiring diagrams and the fuse information within these working manuals too in order to fix electrical problems that may have appeared. Home Search Submit. Yearly Expedition Service Manuals The years available stretch from through to and to view the manual you just click the name.
Common Problems With The Expedition Spark plugs — reportedly for the first 10 years that the Expedition was made owners were finding the engine had spat out a spark plug causing the check engine light to switch on. Ford F Service Manual. Are you sure it's not a lifter rattling until it pumps up.
I was thinking it could be something in the head, but I don't know enough about fords to tear it down, but as for the oil pressure I will get you that info. Tomorrow Was this answer. If it sounds like it's under the valve cover, it could be a weak lifter, a worn rocker arm or a broken valve spring.
There's nothing in the actual "head" that will make noise. That's what I meant. I'm thinking it's a warn rocker or broken valve.
The only way to check that is to pull the valve cover off correct? You may have a worn rocker or broken valve "spring", but you won't find a broken valve or it would miss on that cylinder. Yes, the only way you'll know for sure is to pull the valve cover. Let me know what you find. Ok thank you for your help Was this answer.