Patchcache windows 7

Missing files cannot be copied between machines since they are unique. If you do not have enough space on c: drive, you may try the below suggestions: a. Move the download folder to another drive.

Empty recycle bin c. Uninstall the applications that you no more use. Perform disk cleanup, refer the below links. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Inconvenient, yeah; but I don't often install stuff and it's a lot better than having a whole ton of space on my hard drive wasted.

An excerpt:. If you have the drive space it is recommended that you keep the baseline caches available. It has a "safe" option, 'G'. What I do for this folder is revisit it every now and then and only delete packages in there that are at least six months old. This way, if there's a bad patch that I need to roll back, I can usually still do it. Is it possible? Should you? Probably not, if you don't have to. Windows Installer keeps those files around because it think they're needed if you ever have to install another patch on top of them or uninstall those particular patches.

If in doubt, you can always go safer way: simply compress entire Installer map! On General tab, click Advanced button. Finally, check Compress folders to save disk space.

If asked, choose an option to compress all subfolders and files. And system speed and response wont be affected much since system rarely accesses this map. You can apply this tactic to several other non-essential system maps, thus recovering lots of free space on your drive! Warning: This will not affect the Installer folder. All content msi files created there will remain until the program is uninstalled. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

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Asked 12 years, 1 month ago. Active 1 year, 6 months ago. Viewed k times. This folder is taking up nearly a GB of my C partition. Is it possible to just delete it? A visit to any site or page from our web site via these links is done entirely at your own risk. Legal notice: You may not, under any circumstances, resell or reproduce any information for commercial use without the express prior written consent of File-Extensions.

Scripts to automatically harvest results are strictly prohibited due to performance reasons and will result in your IP being banned from this website. Enter any file extension without dot e. What is patchcache file? How to open patchcache files?

File type specification: Temporary file type. The default software associated to open patchcache file: Microsoft Windows 10 Company or developer: Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Windows 10 is operating system for desktop, laptop and tablet computers. Help how to open: You cannot access these files manually.

How to convert: Probably cannot be converted to anything else. List of recommended software applications associated to the. Unspecified and all other actions for computer programs working with patchcache file - Microsoft Windows patch cache Click on the software link for more information about Microsoft Windows Browse by extension type:.

Similar file types: file extension download file extension part file extension crdownload file extension thumbdata file extension thumbdata file extension tmp.


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