This Paris attraction, called the Centrifuge Railway Chemin du Centrifuge , featured a foot high hill leading into a foot wide loop. The rider would sit in a wheeled cart, pray to the physics gods, and hang on as the car whipped down the hill and through the loop with only centrifugal force keeping the cart and rider on course. The circular design was very unforgiving in the g-force department, and whiplash complaints were no doubt part of the reason why it only lasted a few seasons.
In a man named Edward Prescott built a new looping coaster, also at Coney Island. This ride, called Loop The Loop, was oval-shaped to reduce g forces. Its low seatingcapacity, perhaps, was why it only lasted six years. His ride was a foot long wooden structure shaped like the Russian ice slides. Riders would climb a platform, board cars and be pushed down a hill and over a few bumps. At the other end, workers would hoist the car to the top of a second station, riders would board again and coast back in the other direction.
The early ride focused more on sightseeing than excitement, so the bench-like coaster cars faced sideways and the ride traveled at a mere 6 mph. In late , a man named Charles Alcoke created a U-shape version of the Switchback ride that did not require riders to unload and reload mid-way.
In Phillip Hinkle added a cable hoisting mechanism. Soon, track-mounted brakes were developed, track designs improved, and the rides began to look and act like modern-day roller coasters. This revolutionary safety advancement made steeper drops and faster. Miller, a complete coaster tycoon, held over patents on roller coaster devices, and designed more than roller coasters.
This ride, designed by Harry Traver in , topped out in the intensity department — often leaving riders with broken ribs or snapped collar bones. An on-staff nurse was always present. The Cyclone was not the only roller coaster from this era that didn't last.
The Great Depression and World War II saw the decay and destruction of more than 1, roller coasters in the United States, and at least that many overseas.
The amusement park industry was given a shot in the arm in with the opening of the first successful theme park: Disneyland. Both rides revived the centuries-old novelty of going upside down this time with proper safety restraints. These led to rides with double loops, triple loops, and combinations of corkscrews, loops and other elements — the race was on! Building a Ride. Tips on Using the Scenario Editor. We strongly encourage you to take the time to read this file in order to get the benefit of changes made after this manual went to print.
To read this file, double-click on the ReadMe. Exit all other programs before installing. If AutoPlay is enabled, a title screen should appear. Click on the Install button. Once installation is complete, double-click on the RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 game icon to start the game.
Note: Minimum install copies all of the files required to play the game, but leaves some of the larger files on the CD. This option lets you conserve hard disk space. Full install copies more files to your hard disk. The main difference you may notice between Minimum and Full install is that with Full install you can play two musical themes at once if two rides close to each other both have music.
Break ground and start from scratch, open the gates to existing parks or just create the most gut-wrenching roller coaster ride ever. With wild new rides, new theme decorations and easy-to-use building tools, creating the ultimate amusement park is now more fun than ever!
We recommend you play through the tutorial levels, however, to learn about some of the new enhancements. Part of the fun of a new game is exploring and discovering. The following are the most obvious examples of this new freedom, available right from the Main Menu:.
See page RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 is all new. Under the hood of the game is new, more efficient program code and many new features. You can import landscapes from older saved games into your scenarios while in the Scenario Editor see page Most landscape files from previous versions of Roller Coaster Tycoon will load, but some scenery items might look different.
It is possible that unpredictable results might arise from importing landscapes from these products. Technical Support cannot help you with these types of issues. The following are the default key commands. You can reassign any command in the Options menu, while playing the game.
Close topmost window. Backspace Close all floating windows. Esc Pause game. Pause Zoom out. Page Up Zoom in. Page Down Rotate View. Enter Rotate construction object. Z Underground view toggle. H Remove vertical land toggle. V See-through ride. F1 Adjust water. F2 Build scenery. F3 Build paths. F4 Build new ride. F5 Financial information.
F Research information. R Park information. P Guest list. G Staff list. S Recent messages. M Show map. Tab Screenshot. Special Features: Riders dangle face-down up the first tower, then drop feet straight down, through a foot vertical loop, foot butterfly and up the second foot tower. Then they ride it again — backwards! The commands for saving and loading game files, track designs, landscapes and scenarios vary slightly depending on where you are in the game, but it is selfexplanatory once you understand the interface.
Saving your park at the beginning of each year is also helpful. You can save your progress in a RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 game at any time by clicking on the Options button diskette icon in the Main View , and selecting Save. Similarly, clicking on the Options button diskette icon while in the Scenario Editor will save the landscape you are currently tinkering with. To save a scenario, click the double-arrow button in the lower right corner that takes you through the steps of creating a scenario.
The final step saves the scenario. Before you can install RollerCoaster Tycoon and start playing, check this list to make sure that your computer has everything you need:.
For best performance, we recommend 32 MB or more. How much you need depends on how much of the game you choose to install. If you think you have all of these, but still have a problem running the game, please contact Technical Support for assistance. To do so, follow these instructions:. That means that just putting the disc in the. The first is to what directory you want to install the game. You can accept the default, type in a directory path, or use the Browse button to seek out a directory.
Pick one of the options presented:. Minimum installs all of the files required to play the game, but leaves some of the larger files on the CD. This strikes a balance between the needs of game speed more files copied versus conserving hard disk space less files copied. Full installs the entire game, including all of the larger files.
If you have the hard disk space to spare, doing a Full installation can make the game run faster. If you change your mind at this point, click Exit. Note that the space these take up was not included in the total noted when you selected what type of installation to do. Start New Game lets you begin a fresh game — a scenario of your choosing. Load Saved Game is what you use to continue a game that you saved previously. Those of you who think you can figure it out for yourself, go ahead and click Start New Game.
The tutorial is a brief guide to how RollerCoaster Tycoon works. When you click the Show Tutorial button, the game runs itself for a while. It starts one of the game scenarios, then goes through the motions, step by step, of setting up a few rides and performing a few other important park management tasks.
You can learn a lot by watching this. Click Start New Game. The tutorial skips the menu of scenarios different parks in different situations and goes directly into the first scenario. The first window shows what you need to do to succeed in this scenario. Always read this. Click the New Ride button. The Ride Selection window opens. Select the sleepy looking face tab Gentle Rides to see the available gentle rides.
At this point, the mouse pointer when held over the landscape controls where the ride will be built. The landscape area needed to construct the ride is marked, and a yellow arrow indicates the orientation of the ride which is irrelevant for a Merry-Go-Round, but quite important for many rides. The cost of construction is deducted from your treasury, which is tracked in a box at the bottom left of the screen. Now, you must build the Entrance and Exit for the ride.
You use the mouse pointer to choose positions for both. This is a very important step, because every ride must have an Entrance and an Exit, and both must be positioned so that you can build paths to and from the ride, or else your customers will never get there.
Every Entrance and every Exit takes up one landscape square. Note that the Entrance and Exit are free; they come as a package with construction of the ride itself. Next, you must build a Queuing Line from the Entrance to the existing path otherwise, no one will be able to wait in line to board the ride, and that cuts down on business.
You also need a path from the Exit to the main Forest Frontiers path. Click the Footpaths button. The Path Construction window opens.
Click the Queuing Line button the blue one with people. The first stage of the Queuing Line is built, and the cost is deducted from your treasury. Move the pointer one square further away, and click again to add another piece. Notice the money leaving your account each time. Now, you have a completed Merry- Go-Round with paths and a waiting area, but it is still closed as you can see by the sign flashing on the Entrance.
Merry-Go-Round 1 window. You see that the main park entrance sign is still flashing a Closed message. You now have one ride working and the park open. Select the Rollercoasters tab the face flying downhill. The Select Track Design window opens. At this point, you can choose to construct one of the pre-designed track layouts, or you can choose to build a custom coaster. The Station Platform is pre-selected as the first item to be built.
Positioning the station first is good planning. The cursor is a white box with a yellow arrow in it like the Entrance cursor. The box marks where the first piece of Station Platform will be built, and the arrow shows the direction the cars will travel. The cursor moves forward each time and continues flashing.
First, we determine the direction of the next piece of track. Near the top of the construction window, select the center arrow the. Second, we set the grade rise or drop of the next piece of track.
Below the direction buttons, find and click on the Mild Incline button just to the right of center. Lastly, we add the pulling chain to this section of track. Click on the Chain button to the right of the incline buttons.
You probably noticed that as you made your selections, some of the choices in the other areas changed from available to unavailable or vice versa. What you can do at any point in the design of a roller coaster depends on the structural and functional limits — and the safety regulations.
If you understand how you built that straight, inclined, chained section of track, then the rest of the design and construction process should be clear to you. Curves, drops, and everything else are built using exactly the same process — choose a direction, choose a grade, then build the section.
As we build this particular design, however, we run into a few of the limits on what we can do. This is not a complete list, but it covers the issues we run into during the tutorial. However, it is a violation of the safety code to build intersections, so you cannot have the track cross itself at the same level. If you build yourself into a corner or decide to make a change, you can use the Demolish button the bulldozer to remove the. The height marks visible on every section of track help you to line things up.
Now that the track itself is complete, you must position and build an Entrance and an Exit for Roller Coaster 1. Only you can decide when the design is done, so the Entrance button is not activated for you as it was when you built the Merry-Go-Round. Position the Exit square adjacent to the Station Platform and click to build it.
The Roller Coaster 1 window opens. Testing also helps you determine how much to charge for it and how popular the ride should be. The ride begins its test run. At first, there is no information in this display. When the first test run is complete, much of the missing data is filled in. We explain what all this. Select the View tab the video camera. Now that the new ride is open and functional, you need to set an admission price. This is perhaps the most important decision you make for each ride.
Not only does the price influence how much money you make, it also affects the popularity of the ride and, therefore, the attitudes of your guests. Return to the Roller Coaster 1 window, and click the Income and Costs tab the coin and ticket. Leave the Minimum Wait and Maximum Wait times as they are. This sets the ride to begin when one of two things happens — either the ride has a load of passengers or the cars have been sitting at the Station Platform for the Maximum Wait time.
Even if the ride has a full load, the cars will not leave the station until the Minimum Wait time has elapsed. Go to the View tab and close the Roller Coaster 1 window. Finally, we must consider the long term operation of the park and the safety of the guests. Every ride is a mechanical device, and machines have a tendency to become worn and break down. We need a Mechanic to perform regular inspections of each ride and repair those that do stop working.
Click the Staff button. The Staff window opens. You can also use construction. When you decide to build a new ride, you click the New Ride button. This opens the Ride Selection window, which holds the tools you use to construct everything from bathrooms to roller coasters. Finances The third tab calls up a graph of your Park Value. This is a some- In this respect the park business is no different from any other enterprise what elusive number, calculated by expert assessors to reflect — finances are vitally important.
Success is a matter of meeting your what the park is worth in terms of land value and equipment goals, and that means sensibly disbursing your funds. The Finances owned, the quality and profitability of the rides and the park as a whole, window helps you do just that.
This window embodies five categories of key information and options that The Weekly Profit graph tracks your financial history on a weekly allow you to both track and modify within limits your pecuniary position.
This is the most volatile of all the statistics presented here, Using the reports under these tabs, you can find out where your money is because each data point reflects such a short time period. You can also adjust important datum here is the Current Profit, listed at the top. If this is a the amount of your bank loan and give orders to your marketing agency. Marketing features a number of professional campaigns you can The Expenditures and Income tab tracks your outgoing and undertake, each with the intended result of drawing greater num- incoming monies on a month-by-month basis.
This chart provides bers of visitors to your park. The marketing campaigns you cur- the most in-depth report of exactly where your money has come rently have in operation appear at the top of this category, and a list of the from and where it has gone. Look to the bottom of this category for the available marketing campaigns follows.
For details on the different cam- following information: paigns and instructions on how to get one underway, please refer to the 1. The amount of your Loan. You can use the up and down arrows to Marketing section. Remember, though, that the bank is not a wellspring of infinite In order to develop new rides, shops, and scenery, and to improve on funding — you can only borrow so much. Researching 2. This figure increases new amusement technologies will expand your options, enabling you to as guests spend money or you demolish attractions and footpaths , build different rides and improve on your existing rides, and novelty and decreases when you pay expenses.
COH also increases and attracts more guests. The Research window contains only two tabs. Your Park Value, shows, obviously, how much money your park is Current Research shows what new project your team is currently worth.
Click the button in the 4. Your Company Value is equal to the total of your Park Value added to bottom left-hand corner to see details on the latest novelty and to have the your COH, minus the amount of your loan. Click the Cash tab to see a line graph of how your COH, minus the Research Funding is where you determine which types of projects total amount of your bank loan, has increased and decreased over take priority and the amount of capital funneled each month to time.
The larger the monthly stipend you apportion to research, the money. Clicking any of these boxes toggles inclusion of that particular individually and as a group. You can switch between the two none. If you leave no items selected, no research goes on, but you using the small arrow. The total number of guests in your park still pay for it. For example, happy guests smile, but sick research category, it is grayed out.
The research possibilities are guests look green. Use the scroll bars to move up and down the list and to different for each scenario; not all items are available in every one. The Summarized tab collects all the guests into a constantly updated display of trends in their thoughts and actions.
Again, the Rides Info small arrow lets you switch between the two. This is often more The Rides Info window allows quick and easy access to an abundance of useful than the listing for individual guests, as it tells you what most of data on all the rides, attractions, shops, and stalls in your park. The your guests are thinking, and allows you to pinpoint the most troublesome busier and more crowded your park becomes, the more important and problems.
Click on any group in this roster to return to the All Guests useful this window becomes, as it provides a speedy overview of park display, with only the guests in that group listed. To view other information, simply click the Park staff must be monitored. Just as you monitor your guests, you should also oversee arrange the list.
How they are sorted, of course, depends on the type of your park staff. One convenient way to do this is in the Staff window. This window has four tabs, one for each type of worker you can hire.
Click this button to add a worker of that type to your staff. Shop window. Handymen have four possible jobs: sweeping footpaths, watering gardens and ornamental plants, emptying litter bins, and mowing Guest Info grass.
Use the small arrow to select a uniform color. The Guest Info window is a tool most park managers would love to have. Use the small arrow one is feeling. Your guests came to your park to have fun and spend to change the vest color of all mechanics.
The job of a Security Guard is to ward off trouble makers and examining an unfamiliar track layout — especially when deciding how to keep order in the park. His job is so simple that you need not and orient it in relation to your existing paths. Use the small arrow to select a badge Use the Rotate button to establish in which direction the ride will and belt color for your Security Guards. Hire an Entertainer to amuse park guests. After you do so, the Construction window reverts to its typical format.
Simply click on any staff member in any of these lists to open the Worker window for that employee. You can also use the Patrol Areas button to Following are brief descriptions of the function of the most common see what areas of your park are already covered by the selected type of employee. Saved Designs Which of these buttons is available If you have created and saved your own designs for the type of ride you to you at a given time depends selected, those designs are included in The Construction Window entirely on which are relevant to the list of pre-designed tracks.
The availability of a have at your disposal always work in the same way. So, if the option you want has faded out, it means duce custom designs for any tracked ride.
The Construction window opens whenever you choose The Curve Arrows determine the basic shape of the to build a new ride or click the Construction button in a next section of track. Ride window. You do this in the Select Track Design window, The Incline buttons control the slope of the next sec- which is really just the Construction window in disguise. Occasionally, your cars will need a lift uphill — at the start of most In this window, you have the option to build a pre- roller coasters, for example.
The Chain button adds a chain lift designed track or your own custom track. If you select device to the next section of track.
Note that including more than Build Custom Design, you go immediately to the full one chain lift on a roller coaster adds significantly to the operating costs of Construction window.
If, instead, you click on an existing design, two new that ride. The Roll and Bank tools let you tilt the next section of track. Show Track gives you a preview of a standard track design there Generally, the idea of a bank is to reduce the G forces experi- are no preview pictures for your saved designs.
This is useful for enced in a tight turn. You use this on a straight piece of track before a turn, and the bank or roll carries through the curve. Click on this button to lineage, is the Hedge Maze. Folks have been building these labyrinths of actually go ahead and build the designed section of track. The standard designs are quite nice, but if you prefer removes it.
It includes a structure, including any Entrance and Exit. At the top are Click this button to move the highlight to the Previous section of the three mode controls, which determine what track.
Continue clicking until you reach the section you want to happens when you first click on the landscape to change. You can also right-click on any section of track to instantly move place the first section of maze and when you move the highlight there. Use this arrow to move the highlight to the Next section of track. When the hedge construction cursor is in Continue clicking until you reach the section you want to change. You Open Mode, you build paths through which can also right-click on any section of track to instantly move the highlight there.
The Rotate button establishes one of two things. For simple and Move Mode prevents the cursor from building. In this mode, the pre-designed structures, it controls in which direction the ride will cursor simply travels across the landscape, leaving no paths or face.
You must set this direction before you place the thing on the hedges in its wake. In place of the familiar Add This button, you have four directional arrow buttons. Use this to position the Entrance to the attraction. While this button is depressed, move the mouse pointer The Build Arrows are what you use to move the cursor on to an appropriate spot adjacent to the ride , and click to build there. All the landscape and build the maze. Click on any one of these rides must have an Entrance and an Exit, but shops and stalls do not need to move in that direction, building as you go unless, of them and cannot have them.
Not surprisingly, There are a few commonsense rules for constructing viable, enjoyable this allows you to position the Exit from the attraction.
All rides must have an Entrance and an to the Exit. Information Windows Number of Guests tracks how many people are visiting your park each month. Collectively, these are referred to as the infor- mation windows, but they do more than just provide info. Use the arrows to raise or lower the pays to know how they work and what they can do for you. Here, you can monitor things such as how many guests are currently in the park, and your staff head- your Park Rating, total number of guests in the park, the number of count.
This display is for information only. If this scenario has already run its Click the Park Status button on the Toolbar or the Park Entrance on the course, but you opted to continue running the park, your success landscape to open this window. Within, there are seven tabs — and thus or failure is also noted.
This shows you the Park your park has won recently. Winning awards is generally recog- Entrance, and the red and green lights allow you to close and open nized as a sign of superior performance.
You can click on this view to center the source of sound on the entrance. There are a few functional buttons Ride Windows to the side of the view. Every ride has a corresponding Ride window, which you can open in sev- Click the Buy Land button to purchase more land for your eral ways. The most convenient is normally to click on the Entrance to the park. For more details, please see Enlarging Your Park in ride itself. This window gives you control over the ride, and it includes a the Troubleshooting section of Park Management.
You can also invoke this window by clicking on an For more details, please see Enlarging Your Park in the attraction listed in the Rides Info window. Note that there are many possi- Troubleshooting section of Park Management.
The following The Locate button centers the landscape display on the Park list includes all of the most commonly encountered tabs. The View tab is the default display. The viewing pane lets you To rename your Park, use the Name Park button. You can click on this tab to center the only become available after the ride has run through a complete test source of sound on the entrance, and double-clicking on the red light sequence.
Use the amber light on the View tab to start a test run. There are a few functional buttons to the The Graphs display gives you a second by second tracking of the side of the view.
Use the buttons at the bottom of the and orientation of simple rides, modify the design of tracked window choose which graph you wish to see. The slider bar moves you rides, and move the Entrance and Exit of any ride. The Income and Costs tab is where you set the price of admission You rename a ride using the Name button.
For a few rides — the Slide is The Locate button centers the landscape display on the one example — there are other options here. You receive cash back when you do so; how Customers tab. There are three buttons on this display that are useful for get- The Vehicle Options tab appears only for those rides which have ting more information. What with a listing in it of all the visitors who are currently think- options you have depends on the characteristics of the specific ride, but ing about this particular facility.
You determine how the ride operates using the Operation Options tab. What options and information are provided depends on the Lastly, the Queuing button opens the Guest Info window characteristics of the specific ride. Most of the functions are toggling and lists all your park visitors who are currently waiting in check-boxes with which you simply turn ride features on and off.
Others line to board this attraction. One of the more important options here controls how often the Worker Windows ride is scheduled for inspection. Just as you monitor and control each of your rides in a Ride window, you The Color Scheme tab provides tools that let you customize the also oversee and direct your park staff — in Worker windows.
Your painting options depend on You can open a Worker window by clicking on one of your staff in the the characteristics of the specific ride.
Note that test results. View is the most useful tab. This win- require your occasional attention and tion you can have when making decisions. There are plenty of ways to get dow also has four feature buttons.
The operations of these of them. This window is also handy for corralling the occasional stray guest. The window park visitors in the landscape display. There are six fastest way to get a plified version of the Ride window. Handyman to the View is the most useful display. This shows you the guest and scene of a mess, but it is not helpful for moving Mechanics keeps you apprised of exactly what he or she is doing.
This window to broken rides; when you move a Mechanic, you cancel his also has four useful buttons. This is the fastest way to retrieve a lost guest. While this button is depressed, click on the landscape to mark the area in prede- termined blocks the worker should stick to.
You can name a guest with this button. This button turns that tracking feature on and off for each guest. If you track several guests at once, you tend to get far too many messages. A new fea- divided into zones — areas that share a theme distinct from those of ture allows you to paint your ride in even more detail.
Now, you can other parts of the park. For example, your park might have a paint each section of a roller coaster in its own colors!
For every coaster, you can define the normal color all the color schemes match the race track motif. One of the new fea- scheme, just as you always have.
You can also now define three tures allows you to set up Banner Signs across the footpaths to Alternate Color Schemes — alternates 1, 2, and 3. The normal scheme announce to your guests that they are entering a theme district. Mix the four in, but they also help to attract attention to the area, much like schemes to cover rides with your own detailed, custom paint patterns. Scenery window. Next, click the Color Scheme tab in the Ride window. Next, click the Footpath Accessories button.
Select the Banner Sign. The Banner Sign is placed, and the Banner Sign box opens. Click here to type in the message you want on the banner. The trashcan button removes the banner from the path.
Use this selector to control the color of the text on the banner. This selector lets you control the color of the banner sign — Infogrames Interactive, Inc. Just as you can for attractions, you can right-click on the Banner Development Senior Producer.
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Explore Documents. Roller Coaster Tycoon Manual. Uploaded by jasonius. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate?
Report this Document. Flag for inappropriate content. Download now. As this is an English-language wiki, there is the potential for disagreements regarding the use of certain versions of English.
In cases of mere spelling discrepancies, articles should be made uniform in spelling, but edits should not be made simply to change the spelling of words to reflect an editor's native spelling. However, if a phrase or term is used that is not widely-known in other parts of the English-speaking world, words or phrases that are more universally-understood should be used instead. Many similar rides and shops go with different names in various versions of RCT.
Major or controversial names or moves were open to community discussion and decision. After a discussion among the most active editors the issue was resolved by the following rule:.