The grinch walkthrough pc download

The Grinch Screenshots Windows. We use cookies to ensure that you get the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. Close Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This latter item, the sort of things you hope kids will never get their hands on, can only be used when standing still, much like a real bazooka, but hurls rotten eggs towards targets allowing you to egg windows, Whos, and even solve the odd puzzle.

You can even take control of the Grinch's dog Max to enter new areas and flip switches to enable the Grinch to carry on through. The Grinch's off-beat strangeness ensures the game is both in the spirit of the original story and also keeps you playing to see just what challenges you're going to run into next. In terms of its difficulty, The Grinch is a bit of an oddity. Its theme would suggest it was aimed at young kids, and while it's very hard to get the Grinch killed during the early stages of the game, a fair amount of precise sneaking, platform hopping, and puzzling is required.

It would appear that the game is in fact aimed more at adult or teenaged gamers who read the story when they were young - or even when they were older, as Dr Seuss' books are so strangely quirky, they tend to have a wider appeal than most kids books. But is the game any good? In a word, yes. It perfectly captures the atmosphere of the original book without tearing the plot to pieces, and the characters themselves look the part despite not being hand drawn - even the Grinch walks the way you'd imagine him too.

As a game in its own right, The Grinch isn't exactly revolutionary. If it weren't for the license and theme, it'd be rather average. That said, it's challenging and strangely enjoyable - you have so much fun running around just smashing presents and laying into the Whos' Christmas celebrations that before you know it, you've been playing for a good two hours. Of course, that's if you like doing that sort of thing; if you're the kind of person who buys Cliff Richard records and every damn Christmas album that comes out, or didn't like Dr Seuss's books, this may not be to your liking.

But for normal, right-minded people The Grinch is well worth checking out. JPM 0 point. KATIE 1 point. Isiel -1 point. I remember playing this. One of my first console games, ever. The ending is kinda ehh, but it was a blast to reach it. This is one of those games where it's definitely about the journey and not the destination. Tatsuya7 0 point. Add Comment. Notify me of new comments via email.

Remember my form inputs on this computer. Powered by Commentics. Comments No comments yet. Level Skip: Go to the gadget screen and press X while holding R1. Downloads: times. Return now to the computer room to assemble the "Marine Mobile. Enter the mobile for a short task at the moment you need only enter this area to retrieve two copter BP's and return later for more fun here.

Ahead on the right and close to the surface find a BP, then down ahead under the arch find another BP and return to the cave.

From this point as you travel you may be prompted to do some things or play some games, you may decline these and follow my straight route or complete them in the order of your choice. Cruise through Who Lake and across the bridge to north shore, go straight ahead towards the green shed, pass it on the right and drop down, enter the door ahead to the "Mayors Villa" area.

Once inside stop and look around, ahead is a path with a wall on the left and a stump on the right, turn right and find the changing booth to get out of the scout costume and ready your gadgets, head up the path between the wall and stump, go under the cement overhead and stop when you see the falls to the left, use your egg launcher and zoom in on the unsteady platform left of the falls, shoot the sticks out and the boulder will roll onto a board near you, do a butt drop on the opposite end of the board to catapult up to the villa.

At the top equip your jetspring and jump up to the ladder on the right side of the villa's roof, jump to the tree limb behind the roof and send max carefully to the end of the limb for a BP, now continue to the ledge behind the limb and jetspring up to the next level, drop down on the other end to find a way across the falls, once across the falls, down ahead on your left you will find a cave, collect a BP and see the pirate inside, he will offer to give you a hook that you need to "Hook the Mayor's Bed to the Motorboat" if you bring him five scouts scarves.

Ignore all else and return to the computer to assemble your "Grinch Copter. As you re-enter the villa area notice the reel attached to a log next to the stump, jump up to the reel and swing to haul up the log, shoot the beehive over the large scout and step on the switch, collect the scarf 1 at the bottom of the stump when the scout gets knocked away, now drop down towards the water and find a boat hooked to a rope over pulleys and a platform hanging on the other end, jetspring up onto the platform and when the boat raises up send max underneath the boat to collect the "Rope.

When you've got your hook, go to the bottom of the villa and check to make sure that the boulder is still on the board, if not shoot it down again, go to the changing booth nearby and don your scout costume, butt drop on the opposite end of the board to be catapulted up to the villa, with your scout costume on enter the villa uncontested but be sure to tiptoe in so as not to wake the mayor, tiptoe up to the end of the bed and "Hook the Mayors Bed to the Motorboat.

Now tiptoe into the cave and into your marine mobile, once in sub world see the area ahead of you as a circular path winding around a small mountain like center and two hidden breakaway walls on each side of the path. Play the tuba fish game as you enter to collect the "Twin end Tuba" for your second sleigh part. Go now to Who Dump main entrance area and head down the path towards the 10 pipe, hop the fence and immediately use your binoculars to look into the open window and see what is supposed to look like three chess boards, if you picture the house in the middle of the three boards this is the layout of the yard, on each board is a light spot that represents the position to move the chess piece to, for that board, in relation to the house.

Move each chess piece to the spot indicated on the corresponding board in the window, when you've done this correctly the garage out back will open and you can collect the tire, your third sleigh part, now go back to Who Forest. Near the vacuum tube in Who Forest get with the tall kid and max will race him for his ski's, your fourth sleigh part, now go back to Whoville. Back in Whoville run towards the christmas tree till you see the trash truck, send max to stand in front of the truck and stop it, switch back to the grinch and run up and shoot eggs into the back of the truck until it drops the other twin end tuba, your fifth and final sleigh part.

You should now have all missions presents not included complete with the exception of the "Sleigh Ride" and "Neutralizing Santa" and be watching a clip about the sleigh, after the clip go back to the computer room and on the level above to the right of the "" "Supa Daw" go into the once locked door to find your sleigh, the sleigh ride is pretty self explanatory; follow the other sleigh and pick up all ten presents dropped from it on tiny parachutes, neutralizing santa is also self explanatory; follow santa's sleigh and hit it ten times with the egg launcher.

The game is now complete with the exception of the presents, your on your own with that, good luck. Below is a list of things that may solve many Frequently Asked Questions, I hope I have helped many and don't mind hearing "Your Da Man" or the like as I have labored many hours over this at the risk of alienating my girlfriend, but it was fun. Also be careful not to get any one of your blueprints accidentally hidden underneath another or you will think your missing one.

Binoculars 4 in whoville 1 On roof of post office. Jetspring 9 in who forest 1 Behind vacuum tube. Slime Shooter 9 in who forest 1 Inside pink cabin on cliff. Octopus Gadget 9 in who dump 1 Inside the cement tube, center of main entrance area. Marine Mobile 16 in who lake south shore 1 On the suspension bridge. Who Forest white mountain ski resort 5 In the cave left of the ski cabin, only max can retrieve. Who Dump power plant 9 At the far end of the area when you enter the power plant.

Who Lake submarine world 13 Near the surface over an arch. Keep me logged in on this device.


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