Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Filter by Lables. Message 1 of 5. Outside limits.
Message 2 of 5. Sridhar-Autodes k. Please select the Accept as Solution button if my post solves your issue or answers your question. To define the drawing limits, you can pick points or type the coordinate.
In below example, I set the drawing limits from 0,0 to , It is the size of A3 paper size. By default, the limits checking is off. That is why you can still draw outside of the boundary. Now try to draw any object outside of the boundary. Now you only can draw within the drawing limits!
We can use grid snap to work together with limits. Open the snap settings by clicking the grid snap icon, then choose snap settings…. You can also set the grid spacing in this category. Second, you can force the cursor to snap to grid. This will make the drawing limits more obvious.
The grids will help to complete the drawing within the boundary. By setting the limits and grid snap, you can easily draw schematic drawing now. Not only you can see the drawing area easily, you can draw with specific unit distance easily. Without having to type the distance. The grid spacing in this example was set to 5. So when you move your cursor, you will only can click distance 5, 10, 15, 20 and so on.
But it definitely not obsolete, we can still get the advantage of using it. In this example, in creating schematic drawing. I believe there are some other types of drawings can use it.
And if you think it can help with your work, please share it in the comment section here. We would love to hear your experience! I work as a Sr. If you ever get stuck, think how you would complete a task on a drawing board and then look for a similar way to do it with AutoCAD.
Ortho is short for orthogonal , which means either vertical or horizontal. Like the other options on the status bar, Ortho is not really a command, it is a drawing mode which can either be turned on or off.
Ortho mode can be toggled on or off in one of three ways. The appearance of the button tells you whether Ortho is currently turned on or turned off. You can see how this appears by looking at the status bar illustration below. In the illustration, Ortho is turned on but Grid and Snap are turned off. Ortho can also be toggled on and off using the F8 Function key see Function Keys below for more details.
Using Ortho is the equivalent of using your parallel motion and set square on a drawing board. With Ortho mode turned on you can only draw lines which are either vertical or horizontal. Turn Ortho mode on now and draw some lines to get a feeling for how it works. Ortho mode is probably the simplest of all the drawing aids, and historically one of the oldest. It is either on or it is off and there are no special settings to make.
Also, it does a very simple job; it constrains drawn lines to the horizontal or the vertical. You may not be surprised to learn, therefore, that its use has largely been superceded by more recent features, particularly Polar Tracking , described below. The drawing grid is a regular pattern of dots displayed on the screen which acts as a visual aid, it is the equivalent of having a sheet of graph paper behind your drawing on a drawing board.
You can control the grid spacing, so it can give you a general idea about the size of drawn objects. It can also be used to define the extent of your drawing. See, Setting Grid Limits , for more details.
Although you can use the command line to control the visibility of the grid by using the "ON" and "OFF" options this is more easily achieved using the F7 key or, better still, by clicking the GRID button on the status bar.
However, the command line does offer some additional options. The Snap option allows you to automatically set the grid spacing to the current snap spacing see Snap Mode below. You can also change the aspect ration of the grid. By default, the X and Y spacing of the Grid are the same, resulting in a regular square matrix of grid points.
But you can display a grid with different X and Y spacing by using the "Aspect" option. You can access grid settings by right-clicking the Grid button on the status bar and selecting Settings… from the menu.
You can also do this from the pull-down menu, Tools Drafting Settings… and click on the "Snap and Grid" tab. You may have noticed that the grid does not extend infinitely in all directions. In fact, it is only displayed within a finite rectangle. You can control the extent of the visible grid using Drawing Limits. Drawing Limits is used to define the extent of the grid display and to toggle Limits mode which can be used to define the extent of your drawing.
The grid is displayed within a rectangle defined by two pick points or co-ordinates. Drawing Limits can also be used to turn Limits mode on or off. Limits mode can be used to control where objects can and cannot be drawn. Limits is turned off by default which means that there is no restriction as to where points can be picked and objects drawn.
When Limits is on, AutoCAD will not allow points to be picked or co-ordinates entered at the command line which fall outside of the specified drawing limits.
If you try to pick a point outside the drawing limits when Limits mode is turned on, AutoCAD reports to the command line:. Limits mode is useful if you know the extent of your plotted drawing sheet and you want to prevent objects being drawn outside of this area.
However, Drawing Limits is most commonly used simply to control the extent of the Grid. Snap mode takes AutoCAD one step further than the drawing board. The Snap grid is completely independent of the display grid. However, the Grid spacing and Snap spacing are usually set to the same value to avoid confusion. You can force the display grid to conform with the snap grid by setting the display grid spacing to zero.
The display grid will then automatically change each time the snap grid is changed. When Snap mode is turned on and the Grid is displayed, the Snap and Grid spacings are the same and the crosshairs will jump from one grid point to another as you move across the screen.
This makes it very easy to draw objects which have a regular shape. The Snap command is used to set the snap spacing and to toggle Snap mode. Although you can use the Snap command to turn Snap mode on and off, it is much more efficient to use the F9 function key on the keyboard or to click the SNAP button on the status bar.
The "Aspect" option can be used to vary the horizontal and vertical snap spacings independently. You can also set the snap style to either Isometric or Standard the default using the "Style" option.
The Standard style is used for almost all drawing situations including detail drawings in Orthographic Projection. The Isometric style is specifically to aid the creation of drawings in Isometric Projection see the illustrations on the right. The "Type" option allows you to set the snap type to either Grid the default or to Polar. The Polar option can be used in conjunction with Polar Tracking so that Snap mode snaps along polar tracking angles rather than to the grid. The grid snap is particularly useful if you need lots of modular objects such as bricks or paviors.
In the illustration on the left, the Aspect option is used to set the X and Y snap spacings to the brick dimensions and the Rotate option is used to set the orientation of the bond.
Once these settings are made, the bricks can be accurately drawn without any other drawing aids. All of the Snap variables can also be set using the Drafting Settings dialogue box. The Snap and Grid mode settings, can also be made from the Drafting Settings dialogue box, illustrated below. This dialogue can be invoked from the command line or from the pull-down menu but probably the simplest way is to right-click on either the GRID or SNAP buttons on the status bar and choose "Properties…" from the context menu.