Car seat assistance programs texas

In cooperation with the State of Texas Safe Riders programs, parents can access convertible safety seats and booster seats following the completion of a short class on car seat safety. Registration is required before attending.

A pregnant woman is eligible for a seat if she is in her last trimester at least 7 months pregnant. Classes fill quickly so call early. The Safe Riders program manages a child safety seat distribution and education program to reduce the number of motor vehicle crash MVC injuries and fatalities to children in Texas who are unrestrained.

The program is available to eligible recipients and is available in most, but not all areas of Texas. Program objectives are to:. Call Safe Riders at or email saferiders dshs. Skip to content 3. Others require, in addition to the low-income guideline, that you attend a short video series or lecture on child car seat safety. Baby2Baby is a nongovernmental program that not only helps low income families obtain car seats, but also helps to provide necessities such as clothing and diapers.

This organization is operated nationwide and partners with different on-the-ground non-profits in your area. If you are currently receiving a state funded health plan, you may be eligible to get a free car seat for your child.

Check with your health care provider or contact the Medicaid offices for more information. If you qualify you may be able to get a car seat free of charge. Medicaid operates its car seat distribution programs in accordance to national guidelines. Other governmental departments to check with in your state include the following:. Depending on your state, one or all of these governmental departments offer a car seat distribution program.

A quick internet search yields the contact information so you can quickly find out when the next car seat event will take place. Many states, such as South Carolina, offer multiple programs aimed toward providing the funds for securing a safe car seat for your child.

The Women, Infant and Children Program WIC offers a nationwide car seat distribution program for beneficiaries enrolled in the program. Participants must enroll and attend a program on car safety with children. Upon completion, participants receive a voucher to redeem for a free car seat. SafeKids Worldwide is an organization operating in all 50 states. They routinely operate a car seat checkup event where existing car seats are checked for safety.

However, during these events you can also get more information about getting a free seat. Depending on the state you reside in, the seat may be free or low cost.


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