Thank you. I am from Africa, Namibia. I am so excited that I came across this website and already used some materials for our recent Sunday school camp. Thank you very much. The 12 symbols of Christmas play link goes to another play. Is it possible to fix the link so I can print it or email it to me? Do you have a service for decorating the church and nativity to involve the congregation for a small church?
Do you have anything that can be done on ZOOM, small Church, gap in kids from very young to a couple of teens. My mom wrote a Christmas program for our Sunday School.
I would love to share it. Any idea how I could make it available to the public? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Christmas Hope play script for small churches This is another great Christmas option for your children. Easy for kids to learn and memorize.
Three of the four shows were sold out, and two were SRO! A Christmas Wizard of Oz This great Christmas Musical comes complete with child-friendly dialogue and familiar Christmas carols the audience and performers can sing together. A Snow White Christmas Teachers love this joyously fun musical. Everyone's favorite fairy tale is now a Christmas Play for kids. Perfect for your school's Holiday Celebration.
Large cast, hilarious comedy, audience participation and fun, easy Christmas songs for kids. The kids were outstanding! Enchanting, heartwarming, charming -- perfect for the Holidays. Full of laughs, comedy, joyous Christmas songs and Holiday family fun! Easy for Kids to Learn, Perform and Enjoy!
Use the suggested songs or substitute your own favorites. My good friend, Susan, wrote this revised and simplified version of the original skit, Just a Little Christmas. She wrote it for a group of international students for whom English was not their primary language.
The results were lovely. The children were able to present the Christmas Story to the church congregation in their annual Christmas celebration. Everyone there was blessed by the experience. I hope that you will be too. This quick witted and fast-paced telling of the traditional Christmas story will have your Youth Group members auditioning for parts!
Especially for the Angel What a hoot! The Teen Version of Just a Little Christmas , written specifically for young teens to perform for younger audiences, makes it the perfect centerpiece for your church's Christmas Program!
Invite the Children's Choirs to sing Provide some punch and fresh baked cookies The skit runs minutes without songs and requires the acting talent of about a dozen Youth Group members. Breaks are indicated in the script for the inclusion of Christmas carols. These may involve "choirs" made up of children from younger classes, or just be a sing-along with the congregation. Having seen Just a Little Christmas performed successfully on several occasions, I can assure you that this traditional Christmas skit with a not so traditional angel is going to be fun to do and fun to watch!
Teenage children will enjoy the opportunity of providing this presentation of the true Christmas story for the younger children in your congregation! A woman, a baby, a star and a manger. What does it all mean? Where is Bethlehem? Who was Joseph? WHAT is a manger? Children ages will be allowed to explore the answers to these questions, as they act out the Nativity Story for Preschoolers - Simply Christmas. This skit is meant to help very young children learn about the true meaning of Christmas.
Completely narrated by an adult, the children become part of a living Nativity as they portray Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and kings. Preschoolers and Kindergarten age children will enjoy doing this short Christmas skit minutes over and over again, while they try out the various parts. This makes it really fun to do in class as a learning exercise.
For more fun, invite families to the classroom to watch a performance! Moving about in the comfort of their classroom, the children will learn all about the Christmas story.
Everything you'll need to Plan your own Children's Christmas Program! Whether you are organizing your first or twenty-first Christmas Skit and Program, you will find advice and encouragement in this helpful handout!
I'm not saying that it will have the answer to every question that's going to pop up. But if you plan your Christmas skits and programs using this format, I think you will avoid most of the mistakes made by newcomers! It starts with picking your date and finishes with cleaning up the last cookie crumbs!
Along the way, you'll find costume ideas and even a Punch Recipe for the refreshments! So, you need a few more angels or a couple of extra shepherds to get everyone onstage No problem! Happens all the time! My advice You should also feel free to change lines, add lines, etc to accommodate the size of your group and the ages and capacities of your actors. These are all considered minor changes. As always, please make a note on your printed program of the author's name and the copyright date. However, if you have MAJOR changes that you want to make to a skit or play, then please make a note in your printed program that your skit is " Based on the original skit by Sharon Kay Chatwell, copyright I had scoured lots of books for an appropriate program and after lots of worry and prayer found your site by accident.
What divine intervention. The program worked so well in its adaptability and the parents and kids loved it. Thank you for making my Christmas merry.
I am positive I will continue to use your site in my future endeavors. Thank you, Thank you! It can be hard to find good material that is simple enough to use and yet is good. The congregation loved it. It was a great, yet simple way, to involve our Sunday School without overwhelming them with lines and tons of practices.
They did so great and were excited to be involved. Thank you for helping us out and blessing us this Christmas! It was a hit all three times! Our class loved it as well and really put their hearts into it. Because of the humorous parts, the students stayed engaged in the story. The language was simple enough and repeated through narration and character parts so that it could be heard well.
After the second performance I spoke and our chaplain interpreted giving the plan of salvation in English and in Japanese. Thank you for your skit. I know that it blessed many. After Christmas, you may be interested in other types of skits for Sunday School or Church. Please consider the free skits available at this link for use with your own ministry groups or in evangelistic outreach opportunities with others.