The fifth edition kept the same structure but, after consultation with many users of the book, many aspects had extra detail and refinement added. The sixth edition involved a restructuring of the constituent parts of the book as some users felt that the chapter sequencing did not match the general teaching sequence.
Other changes included the inclusion of material on Arduino and the addition of more topics in the Mechatronic systems chapter. The seventh edition has continued the evolution of the book with updating of mechatronic system components, clarification of some aspects so they read more easily, the inclusion of information on the Atmega microcontrollers, a discussion and examples of fuzzy logic and neural control systems, and yet more applications and case studies.
The number of Appendices has been reduced as they had grown over previous editions and it was felt that some were now little used. Each chapter of the book includes objectives and a summary, is copiously illustrated and contains problems, answers to which are supplied at the end of the book. Chapter 24 comprises research and design assignments together with clues as to their possible answers. A large debt is owed to the publications of the manufacturers of the equipment referred to in the text.
I would also like to thank those reviewers who painstakingly read through through the sixth edition and my proposals for this new edition and made suggestions for improvement. A process control valve with a quick-opening plug gives: i A change in flow rate that is proportional to the change in displacement of the valve stem.
The cam shown in the following figure rotates with a constant angular velocity. The displacement of the follower is best described by: A ball bearing is required to withstand radial loads and axial loads. The optimum bearing from the following is: A Deep groove. B Filling-slot.
C Angular contact. D Self-aligning. For a thyristor: i When it is switched on and forward breakdown occurs, the thyristor resistance drops to a low value. Below article will solve this puzzle of yours. Just take a look. The reason is the electronic devices divert your attention and also cause strains while reading eBooks. From auto-focus cameras to car engine management systems, and from state-of-the-art robots to the humble washing machine, Mechatronics has a hand in them all. This book presents a clear and comprehensive introduction to the area.