I think this list is an extremely useful resource for all the Photoshop users. These gradients are free for download, but it is always better to read the terms of use. This collection of beautiful Photoshop gradients are made by the talented deviantArt users. In this first part, most of the gradient packs are from the queen of Photoshop gradients liasmani.
This is a really quick Photoshop gradient tutorial for the newbies, on how to load a gradient file in Photoshop. A photoshop gradient set is saved in a GRD file. All you have to do is to download that GRD file and load it in Photoshop.
There are three places from which you can load a gradient file. Pick Gradients from the Preset Type list and press the load button. It will now appear on your gradient list. Another way is to pick the Gradient Tool from your Toolbar. You see that another bar appears with different options for this tool. Click to open Gradient Picker then click the small arrow and from the list choose also Load Gradients.
The third way to load a gradient is from the Layer Style Window. Fast and simple! Before you download the GRD file make sure that is compatible with your own Photoshop version. If the gradients are made with an older or the same version of Photoshop in comparison with your own Photoshop version, you can load it. Otherwise there are big chances that you might not be able to load the file. Natures Beauty Gradient by Liasmani.
BOLD gradient pack by Kip Tuscany Skies Gradient by Liasmani. Abstract Gradient Patterns. Duotone Gradient Presets. Realistic Sky Gradients. Gradient Backgrounds. Pastel Gradients. Mesh Gradient Collection. Gradient Color Pack. UI Gradient Styles gradients. Rainbow, Pastel and Natural Mesh Gradients. Muted Vintage Gradients. Silver Gradients. Sky Gradients 11 gradients. Amazing gradient colors with light to very dark in the single spectrum of the light wave.
You may use these sky gradients according to the weather and particular time of the day. Dark Photoshop Gradients. Gradients can help you achieve the vintage effect, cozy, sunrise or sunset effect or any other particular effect in a just small lapse of time. You can also achieve the particular time of day by applying a suitable gradient effect.
The customizations are done after applying a gradient to ensure realism. Variety of gradients can be created using different color schemes, different regular and irregular patterns and trying almost everything different that is possible.
All of these gradients are really fun and you can get best out of them by practicing different options and methods. Steven is an industry veteran with nearly two decades of web design experience. He was instrumental in the launch and growth of the Vandelay Design blog. Vandelay Design is one of the leading web design blogs and has reached more than 50 million visitors. Connect with Steven at LinkedIn.