Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Handbook of Finsler Ge Other editions. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Handbook of Finsler Geometry by Peter L. Antonelli Editor. The result of that query was a resounding a? You have in your hands, the most complete and authoritative exposition of state-of-the-art Finsler geometry that is possible, today.
Each of the eleven partsiscompletely independent of the rest, and each has been written with mathematics and science students in mind. Sort order. Tabaee is currently reading it May 15, Salim is currently reading it Nov 19, Abdelmadjid Djehiche marked it as to-read Oct 28, Kaavyashree marked it as to-read Jan 02, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Be the first to start one ». About Peter L. Peter L. Books by Peter L. When Dana Schwartz started writing about a 19th-century pandemic ravaging Edinburgh in her latest book, Anatomy: A Love Story, she had no idea Read more Trivia About Handbook Of Finsl No trivia or quizzes yet. Add some now ». Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The 17 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 41 submissions.
The conference covers topics from cryptographic algorithms, to digital forensics and cyber security and much more. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to Finsler geometry in the language of present-day mathematics.
Through Finsler geometry, it also introduces the reader to other structures and techniques of differential geometry. Prerequisites for reading the book are minimal: undergraduate linear algebra over the reals and analysis. The necessary concepts and tools of advanced linear algebra over modules , point set topology, multivariable calculus and the rudiments of the theory of differential equations are integrated in the text.
Basic manifold and bundle theories are treated concisely, carefully and apart from proofs in a self-contained manner. The backbone of the book is the detailed and original exposition of tangent bundle geometry, Ehresmann connections and sprays. It turns out that these structures are important not only in their own right and in the foundation of Finsler geometry, but they can be also regarded as the cornerstones of the huge edifice of Differential Geometry.
The authors emphasize the conceptual aspects, but carefully elaborate calculative aspects as well tensor derivations, graded derivations and covariant derivatives. Although they give preference to index-free methods, they also apply the techniques of traditional tensor calculus. Most proofs are elaborated in detail, which makes the book suitable for self-study. Nevertheless, the authors provide for more advanced readers as well by supplying them with adequate material, and the book may also serve as a reference.
Gray-man 3-in-1 Edition , Vol.